MuniPlatform+ is a powerful suite of products that together form the most complete end to end municipal bond marketing service available.


Have phone, get deal notices. Yes, it’s that simple. Subscribe to Calendar+ and receive all the municipal bond deal sales information directly to your iPhone’s calendar app. All the relevant deal information, contacts, links to our deal page and all the documents associated with the deal. Completely free, anonymous with no strings attached. Subscribe and unsubscribe at any time. Get notifications, customize them, silence them, or have them any way you like, your phone, your preferences. No more searching, browsing, or guessing.


A single page pdf that changes everything. In a single page deal announcement, you have the deal information and all the related documents linked live for instant download. No longer do you have to send your deal announcement with multiple attachments and large file sizes. Keep it simple and all on one page. You clients don’t have to search for files and where they saved them on their computer related to your deal. All the documents are stored on our cloud servers and directly linked into your single page deal announcement. The QR code links back to the new and improved Deal Page, that has even more deal information than ever before.

Notification+ is also offered as a stand alone product. Get the Notification+ and social media postings all for a fraction of the full deal marketing price. And when it is in paper form, it is still digital and live, just scan the QR code and you are back in digital form.

An evolution in the way deal announcements are presented.


  • Deal Information cleanly displayed

  • Live links to issuer and advisor sites

  • Instant document downloads

  • QR code link to the deal page

  • When used as a stand alone product QR code can be directed to a custom link or to a digital download version of the notification+ page when in printed form


Many marketers tell you they are marketing your deal to the audience you want. With Analytics+ reports, we prove it!

Our Analytics+ Report display your data clearly broken down in geographic heat maps, regionally, by sector, division and quantity / quality of opens. Social and Email Campaigns top views for quick analysis, along with details of who is opening and viewing your deals. Regional Economic Data, Interest Rate Data; Simple, Intuitive.


MuniPlatform+ service includes the full email campaign to our ever growing list of subscribers in the initial announcement and the weekend before the sale date. We also include social media campaigns for your deal again in the initial and weekend before the sale announcements. A complete marketing campaign that notifies, distributes, and analyzes your deal from inception to close.